School Presentations
As part of the Anti-Racism in Sport Campaign, a team of prominent professional sport figures and First Nations, Métis, Inuit, Black, Racialized, and religious minority community sport leaders, will present to middle school students to point out the negative impacts of racism and discrimination in sport. They will educate students on how to identify racism and discrimination, and promote inclusion inside and outside of school.
The content of the presentation is geared towards for middle school students.
Please note that at this time we are only able to offer the presentations to schools in Winnipeg.
The campaign will offer virtual school presentations delivered by a prominent sports figure and a community sport leader. Contact us at info@antiracisminsport.ca to learn more about booking a presentation for your school.
Length: One-hour
Student Size: Minimum 10 – Maximum 100, if you have more or less students, please contact IPW to discuss further.
Location: The presentations will take place over Zoom, unless your school requires use of a different virtual platform.
Date: Presentations will take place from May to June 2021 and September 2021 to March 2022. Once registered, IPW will reach out to schedule the presentation.
School Requirements:
- One school staff must be identified if students need support after the presentation.
- Teachers must ensure students fill out a presentation evaluation form after the presentation and return filled out forms via email to info@antiracisminsport.ca (forms will be provided once presentation date confirmed).
- If your school is requesting multiple presentations for different classes, IPW may request that they are combined into one presentation.
What’s included:
- The presentation will include a powerpoint and videos.
- Each student participating in the presentation will receive a campaign swag item.
- Each student participating in the presentation will receive a bookmark for their parent/caregiver about the presentation (available in multiple languages).
- Teachers will be provided with a copy of the presentation and resources.
Who Should Request a Presentation:
- Teachers
- School Administrators
- Principals